Sunday 24 November 2013

Tue, Nov 26, 2013 Discussion Topic

We will consider soft drink companies.

This article is a bit long, but it's a good chance to practice your reading. The comments are very good, so maybe, if you don't totally understand the article, you can read the comments.

Please think about:

1) Is this another case of a 'nanny-state' or is this actually a problem?
2) What other things do we consume (put in our bodies) or do that have 'no benefit for our bodies or minds'? Should we stop doing these?
3) Should the government limit the sizes of soft drinks?
4) Should there be an age restriction for soft drinks? (Like cigarettes and alcohol.)
5) Are soft drink commonly consumed with meals instead of water, milk, tea, etc. in Japan and Korea?
6) If soft drink companies are allowed to advertise how great their products are, should health organizations be allowed to advertise how unhealthy soft drinks are?
7) In Canada, as you know, there is government health care. Does this mean that the government should be allowed to limit the populations intake of unhealthy food?
8) Are cigarettes, soft drinks, and alcohol comparable (are they the same in many ways)?

See you on Monday!

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