Sunday 29 September 2013

October 1, 2013 Tuesday Topic Ontario youth joblessness

Please read

Also, please read the comments. This is very important!

We will be talking about causes of the problem, solutions, and the effects of the problem (short and long-term).

I hope you all are having a good weekend! Get outside while it's nice!



  1. I think one of the most big problem is that young people asks to much. For example, they want high salary, easy job, short working time and etc.

  2. The unemployment rate is a big problem even Japan or all over the world.But I think if students don't choose first their job,they would be able to find a job.And it's still difficult problem.

  3. I think the best way is that riches yield a little more. As you know most wealth belongs to some people. population is increasing on the other hand we have limited resource. someone have to yield.
