Tuesday 17 September 2013

Friday, September 20/13 presentation choices

Presentation choice #1

Choose a time in your countries history (for me, it would be Winnipeg in 1919) and tell us about it.
- What kind of music was popular?
- What political system was there?
- What important things were happening at that time in your country?
- What is exciting about it?
- Did any of your family live at this time?
- What was happening in Canada at this time?
- And more!!

Presentation choice #2

A presentation on a person from last week's list that did not get presented on. Steve Jobs, Oprah, and Walk Disney have already been presented on.
You can also choose another very famous person who first had failure.

Special choice #3

One Korean student can present on what Korean thanksgiving is, what you eat, what is the history, etc.
The first person to comment saying, "I'd doing Korean Thanksgiving", gets it.

Presentation choice #4

Submit a topic to me (on this blog), and I will let you know if it is good or not.


  1. I'm gonna talk about 1992 in Japan.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I`m the one!!! who will talk about Korean thanksgiving!!!!

    also I`m not a robot!!!
