See you in class!
The Best, or Worst Resume Ever
The following is a copy of an
actual resume submitted to a company by a man named Eric.
Some of the details have been
edited out to protect his privacy.
Is it the worst resume ever or
is it actually quite brilliant? You decide.
To claw my way to the top using any means
necessary…. but then be a fair and just ruler, and bring your company to new
heights, or whatever.
Cat-like reflexes – now you see me, meow you don’t
Possible ESP
Knows when to hold, knows when to fold
Emits pleasant aroma(s)
Horse-like laugh (optional)
Extremely proficient at Mariokart for Super
Not bad at “sexy” dancing
29 years old but have the facial hair of a 13
year old
Can eat a LOT at one sitting. Oh, also, I can moonwalk quite well
I am quite experienced with the McDonald’s menu
One time I rode a horse but it bucked me
off. I was injured and ended up gaining
like 30lbs but then I shed that weight like a snakeskin, very fast metabolism.
I have enough knowledge to write an essay on
pretty much any subject (without researching it)
Acne lancer
Life coach
Finished high school by the skin of my teeth
Spent most of time daydreaming out window but if
you hire me things will be different, I swear.
Who better to tell you about me than…. me.
Holla! 4353452345dfdfgd2345
Source Material:-
With your
partner, discuss the following questions. Feel free to ask any follow-on
questions you like.
1. Would you hire someone who claimed to have
“cat-like reflexes”, and to be “not bad at sexy dancing” on their resume?
2. What special talents do you have that you
wouldn’t put in your resume?
example:- can you chug a beer in 3 seconds, burp the alphabet, or play tunes
with your armpit?)
3. What is the most important part of a
If you were hiring, what would be the first thing you would look for?
4. When you write your resume, are you completely honest?
Do you exaggerate, or even lie about your abilities and experience?
5. What information about yourself would you try
to keep hidden from a potential employer?
Speed Interviews
You need to hire someone to help
you right away! Think up two or
three interview type questions that are designed to assess a person’s character. You are not interested in their work
experience or education or qualifications.
You simply want to determine what sort of personality they have and whether or not you would like to work
with that person based on their personality
· You can
ask them about their thoughts, opinions and feelings.
· You cannot
ask them for facts about their employment history or academic
Think about the type of person you
would like to work with and would get along well with. Once you have come up with some questions,
ask them to your classmates. Take notes. Based on their answers, decide who you think
you would most like to work with.
Afterwards, you may be asked to explain your choice to the rest of the
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