Please read the following article and think about the questions. We will be talking about this tomorrow.
Thanks to Hyeran!
1. Using drone as one kind of weapon has advantages that there will be no victim of offended country and it can adjust the target exactly. What do you think other advantages are? Why do you think they prefer to use drone as a weapon?(according to one survey, about 70 % of US citizen agree about this)
2. Amazon stated to think drone delivery so you might be able to get your stuff right in front of you. What is your opinion about this?
3. Drone is a kind of robot that flying the air so there are lots of using drone in another way.(Recording drone, drone for selling product, protecting wildlife, guiding direction. advertising drone, jogging with drone etc.) Do you think we keep using drone or not?
I oppose that using drone as a weapon. If they use drone at a battlefield,the people who are operating drone will have no risks for death directly,because they don't need to go to the front. But I think that they have the possibility to suffer from risks of mental,because some people may not make a clear distinction between daily life and the job.