Wednesday, 29 April 2015

April 30 2015 Discussion

Have a look at the following link and please prepare to discuss the questions.

See you in class!

-       Do you fear the development of Artificial Intelligence?

-       How would you use AI?

-       Professor Hawking is argued to be one of the world’s smartest people. Does a warning from him worry you?

-       Do you think that AI could solve many of the world’s problems? What kind of problems could be solved?

-       Would you change your voice if you could? What if it was a robotic one like Stephen Hawking?

-       What do you value more, access to information or privacy?

-       What is more important, safety, or freedom and privacy?

Sunday, 26 April 2015

April 28 2015 Discussion

Please have a look at the following website and be ready to discuss this on Tuesday.

See you in class!


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Blog April 22 2015

Please go to
and watch the video

David GalloUnderwater astonishments

Why do you think that we have not discovered more of the ocean?

Humans put a lot of pollution into the ocean (even big cruise ships do this). Why do you think humans do not want to protect more of the ocean?

Did you like this video?

What was your favourite animal? What was so amazing about it?

Would you like to have any of the skills these animals have? Why? What would you do?

Should the government protect the oceans and waters more carefully? 

Blog Discussion April 21 2015

Please let the video player keep going so that you can watch the other rescue stories too.

1.The first man said that he was doing what anyone else would have done. Would you have done the same thing? Would you have waited for more help or called for help?

2.If you help someone by yourself, would you want to brag to someone about it?

3.Have you ever encountered an incident where there was a risk of death?

4. As you watch the many rescue videos, does it make you feel like the world is a good place, or that the world has many foolish people?

5. Should untrained citizens enter dangerous situations to try to help others, or is this just foolishly risking two (or more) lives?

Sunday, 19 April 2015

April 21 2015 Discussion

In the United States, when someone gets burned with hot coffee, they want lots of money from the business (eg. McDonald's).

In Canada, when this happens, the person want the laws about coffee temperature to change (eg. Tim Horton's). 

1) Which one of these do you think will help to solve the problem? 
2) Which one would you choose personally? 
3) Which one would people in your home country choose (if they would choose any one of them)?
4) Do you think that a 'compensation culture' is eroding a sense of personal responsibility?
    - ie. Are people learning to blame others for their own mistakes?

5) Why do you think that Canadians try to change the laws, and Americans try to get money?
6) What are some strange problems that need to be fixed in your country? Eg. The coffee is too hot.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Sunday, 12 April 2015

April 14 2015 discussion

Please read the following article and really consider your opinion and the probably opinion of your culture.

See you in class!


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

April 9 2015 Discussion

Please have a look at this article and video and get ready to discuss this ongoing discussion.

Can men and women be friends? Who knows?


April 8 2015

Please visit this website and be ready for a class discussion.

1.What do you think of this article?

2.Is it possible?

3.Do you want to live longer?

Monday, 6 April 2015

April 7 2014 discussion topic

Please click on the following link, read the article, and be ready for the discussion on Tuesday.

I hope you had a great long weekend!!
