Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Wednesday April 30 Topic

Hi guys!!

Please read and consider the article.


How do you think about wage gap between high school grads and degree holders?
Degree holder designs a product
High school grad makes a product

Nowadays many company prefer to hire temporary employee, do you think it is reasonable? why?

How do you think full time employment rates are difference between high school grads and degree holders?

Good night! See you!

Monday, 28 April 2014

josh's topic

I am late..... My topic is AIDS in Africa. See you soon!

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Monday 28th Apr presentation topic

Hi, how are you?
I've been under the weather,,,,

I am going to talk about culling of animals problems in Japan.

Have a great weekend!
See you Monday.


Monday Presentation Topic

Hi guys,

My topic is "Reverse discrimination?".

See you on Monday!


Monday's presentation topic

Hi, guys!

My presentation topic is going to be "Power harassment" at work place in Japan.
Have a fun weekend. See you!


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Wednesday April 23rd Topic

Wednesday April 23 rd Topic



What/How the present situation about bullying in your countries?  Who is on the blame?

What do you think the research that childhood bullying effects a life even 40 years later 

What the reason why bullying is never ending and how teachers and parents can prevent children from bullying?

Have a good night and see you tomorrow!


Thursday, April 24 discussion topics

Please watch the following videos.




Both of these commercials are anti-drinking and driving, which commercial do you think is more effective? Why? Be specific.
Do you think that commercials like this have any effect on drinking and driving?
Is drinking and driving a problem in your country?
What do you think can be done to stop drinking and driving?
What other behaviours that are dangerous to innocent members of society do you think should be stopped or targeted by advertisements?
Do you think that the valet was really drunk, or just acting?
When you drink, does your perception (eyesight, reflexes, thinking) become as effected as the MADD commercial portrays?

Friday, 18 April 2014

Tuesday, April 22 2014 discussion topic

We will be speaking about whistle-blowers. If you don't know what this means, please look it up before class.
Before this class, please find one story about a whistle blower.
For example, one person is Edward Snowden.

I hope you had a great weekend and I'll see you on Tuesday!


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Thursday, April 17 2014 Discussion Topics

First, we will talk about this:

The article is long, so you need only to read up to this (including having a look at the table):

Number of work hours, by province

Please look at some of the comments too.

Second, we will talk about this:

This is also long, so please read up to this (including this section):

Surge in psychotropic medications 

Please look at some of the comments too.

Wed, April 16 2014 Discussion

Alas, we forgot to assign a student to post the topic for tomorrow. No worries though! I have one prepared. No need to do extra reading, but do come prepared to discuss!


Sunday, 13 April 2014

Josh's topic

Hi guys I am going to talk about Realation of between sleep and grade. See you soon!

Saturday, 12 April 2014

My topic of Presentation on Monday

Hi, there!

Are you having fun?

My topic of Monday's presentation is going to be "Public assistance problem in Japan"

See you on Monday!

Monday Presentation Topic

Hi guys!
My topic for Monday presentation is "Drug lag in Japan".

Have a good weekend and see you Monday!!


Tuesday, 8 April 2014

April 9th topic.


1. What are you thinking about suicide in military?

2. If you are commender of military what would you do for reducing suicides.

3. The suicide, who died in army, can be a person of national merit? or not?
what if they achived a lot for national.

Thursday, April 10 2014 Discussion Topic

Check out this short article, watch the short youtube video, and consider the questions that are below. I think most of you might find this interesting.

-       This robot can have the face of friend or loved one. Is this creepy, awesome, or not impressive? Why?

-       This robot can begin a conversation, follow you (and others) around the room, and recognize your emotions. Is this creepy, awesome, or not impressive? Why?

-       Does this technology already exist in your home country?

-       Does this remind you of any movie you have seen? A positive or scary movie?

-       Does the price seem reasonable? Why or why not?

-       Would you want this as your butler or conversation partner? Why or why not?

-       Some people already spend almost all off their spare time playing on-line games. Do you think that someone who has this robot will also separate from human friends? Why or why not? What other effects do you think the popularity of this robot will bring?

See you in class!


Monday, 7 April 2014

Tue, April 8 2014 discussion topic


Please visit http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/yourcommunity/2014/04/are-teens-really-smoking-coffee-to-get-high.html and read the article. Then, consider these questions:

1) When you were young, what kind of crazy things did you or other teens do? Tell us a story.
2) Do you think this report is true? Why or why not?
3) Do you think reports like this do more harm than good? Why or why not?
4) Why does the news report this kind of story? Would your country report this sort of news?
5) Once commenter says that, "if every adult goes home and suggests it to their teen, it will be seen as an uncool old person thing and they will never try to." Do you think this is true? Do you think this would work for other dangerous teen behaviours too?

See you in class and don't forget to make a gmail address if you don't have one already!


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Aprill 2nd Debate topic


Do your country has some preventing system about Tsunami?

If you can help a victim of tsunami. What will you do?

Have you ever suffer about nature disaster?

What if you can develop the machine to prevent nature disaster. Will you donate that technology? or sell that?