Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Friday, Nov 1 2013 Presentations

This Friday is another 'choose your own adventure' presentation day!

However, may I suggest the topic of the upcoming olympics in Russia, new almost cures for Cancer (one in Russia and one in Canada using Dandelions), the Russian vodka boycott, the best city to live in, or even why cats should be kept inside (and how so many birds are now dying in the world).

Have fun!


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Wednesday! Topic!

Matthew I`m so sorry!!!

I didn`t know that ㅜㅜ

Stupid computer....

Anyway~ my topic was `should we cheer  up woman who gives up having a baby in order to achieve what she wants such as promotion in a work place or blaim her because of abandoning her natural accountability?

I want you guys to think that it`s happened to your best female friends or wife or even yourself!!

Here`s a couple of articles to help unterstand.

Again I`m so sorry I was late to post my presentation contents...

Then see you! good night!!!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Thursday, October 31 2013 Topic

1) Childhood

Do you think todays' children have better lives than yesterdays' children? Do they truly have brighter futures than yesterdays' kids? Is it possible that, at least in some areas, our grandparents and great grandparents just might have had much better priorities than we do? Has childhood itself been devalued to the same degree as parenting and marriage has? ..and if so, then why would anyone have children in the first place?

Please read

2) Coming back for a fourth chance is the topic of National Anthems!

1) Politically Correct Language in National Anthems

Read this one first:

Read this one second:

Should the anthem be changed? Is the Canadian anthem as bad as the anthems in the second article? Are there any things about your national anthem that could be offensive? How important is it that a country has a proper national anthem? Do we need them anymore? Is this an unimportant issue that should not be discussed?

Wed, Oct 30 2013 Student Topic

This week, the topic will be chosen by...


See you tomorrow.


Tue Oct 29 2013 Discussion

Please read these two articles

Do you think it is ethical to modify animals like this?
Have you heard of any other modifications to animals?
How has science modified humans?
Is there a difference between modifying humans and modifying animals?
Do you think that it is safe to modify animals like this? How might this impact nature?

See you tomorrow.


Saturday, 26 October 2013

The topic of Monday's presentation


My topic is one of the most famous colleges.
See you on Monday.


The topic of presantation on Monday

Hi everyone.

My topic is A Zombie Walk.

See you on Monday.


Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Presentation Topics Friday, Oct 25 2013

Here are the presentation topics.
You may want to communicate with your fellow student so you do not do the same presentations. Just some advice.


1) Overfishing and Overhunting

- What fish and animal species are in danger of becoming extinct?
- Do you hunt or fish for them?
- Why do we hunt or fish for them?
- Where are they located?
- Are there any laws protecting them?
- etc.

2) All countries should have a powerful army OR Countries should not have armies

3) The USA. Bully or helpfu
l friend?

4) The history of an electronic device

- Video games
- Phones
- Computers
- etc.

5) Worst countries to go on a vacation

6) The world's deadliest animals

For fun...

Have a look at this article. This is true East Coast Canada. Also, watch the video and listen for some of the East Coast phrases.


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Wed, Oct 23 2013 Student Topic

I'm Kaoruko.

I'm sorry I'm late.
Please read this article.

I'm sorry I can not make any questions. I will ask you all tomorrow.
Thank you.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Thursday, Oct 24 Debate Vote

Coming back for a third chance is the topic of National Anthems!

1) Politically Correct Language in National Anthems

Read this one first:

Read this one second:

Should the anthem be changed? Is the Canadian anthem as bad as the anthems in the second article? Are there any things about your national anthem that could be offensive? How important is it that a country has a proper national anthem? Do we need them anymore? Is this an unimportant issue that should not be discussed?

As the challenger, there is topic number two!

2) Girl and Halloween costumes

For the last three years or more, police have been spending a lot of time and money arresting pedophiles (adults who like children). At the same time, Halloween costumes (and general clothing) for young girls has been getting more and more provocative (please look this word up). Why do you think this is happening when it is clear that thinking sexually about young girls is a terrible crime?

Also, should these types of costumes be illegal?
Should parents allow their children to wear these costumes?
What do people think about little girls who wear these costumes?
What do you think about little girls who wear these costumes?
Is there Halloween in your home country? If there is, what do people wear? If there is not, is there another holiday when people dress up in costumes?

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The topic of Monday's presentation

I'm sorry. I posted topic late.

My topic is ”What's the strongest animal?”

See you everyone!


Wed, Oct 23 2013 Student Topic

The lucky student with week is...


Please post a link to an article or video for us to discuss on Wednesday.


Tuesday, Oct 22 2013 Discussion

War Criminal Discussion

-       Please read the article

Please Consider these discussion questions

o   Are war criminals like this at fault? (They were told to do something by a superior officer.)
o   Should we punish old war criminals?
o   What should happen to his body?
o   Should we forgive war criminals after they die?

o   Is punishing his family by taking away the body okay?

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 19 October 2013

The topic of Monday's presentation

Hi everyone.

My topic is what drove Ju-on family tragedy.

See you Monday.


The topic of Monday's presentation

Hi everyone.

My topic is Japanese convenience store.

See you Monday.


Topic on Monday

Hi, it's Ryo:)
I'd like to talk about,,,,,,,

"Why should we protect our heritages??"

Do you guys remember that Matthew asked us why after my presentation??
I'd like to explain it.

See u Monday.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Friday, Oct 18, 2013 Presentation Topics

Due to an empty tankof ideas, this week you are free to choose your own topic. If you have a problem thinking of one, I invite you to go back and look at some of the presentation ideas of the past.

You may present on a topic someone already has, but you may not repeat your own presentation or copy theirs.

See you tomorrow!


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

wednesday topic by nick

Hi everyone!

This article is about gay right in zimbabwe.

However I want to discuss about entire gay things~.

Actually, I couldn't understand but my thinking about gay is getting better.

so I want to discuss with you guys.

see you then. It is really short article.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Thursday, Oct 17, 2013 Topic Vote

1) Politically Correct Language in National Anthems

Read this one first:

Read this one second:

Should the anthem be changed? Is the Canadian anthem as bad as the anthems in the second article? Are there any things about your national anthem that could be offensive? How important is it that a country has a proper national anthem? Do we need them anymore? Is this an unimportant issue that should not be discussed?

2) Genetically Modified Foods

Please read

Also, be sure to read the comments. The language is a little bit tough, but you can do it!

What concerns you the most about genetically modified foods? Is it the food chain, your health, permanent changes to the environment, scientists playing God, etc.? Should genetically modified foods be clearly labelled on their packaging?

Wednesday, Oct 16, 2013 Discussion

The lucky student who gets to choose the topic for today's discussion is...

I will let you guess. He is tall, usually wears a hat, has short hair, and has glasses.

Please choose a topic and post it on the blog.



Tuesday, Oct 15, 2013 Topic

We will be talking about cultural differences when dating.

We will also be talking about weird news, including an odd postage stamp debate, and a dead guy who is not dead.

See you tomorrow!


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Friday, Oct 11, 2013 Presentation Choices

In the comment section, please put the topic you choose and if you are going to use some of the ideas. List the ideas you are going to use so that all of you do not use the same ideas.

If a comment above yours claimed an idea, then you cannot present using the same idea.

The Friday presentation topics are...

1) Alcohol

Some ideas are:

- It's history in your home country, Canada, or the USA.
- How your home country views the use of alcohol.
- Traditions using alcohol.
- The health benefits of alcohol.
- The unhealthy parts of drinking alcohol.
- Famous brands
- Alcohol funding sports
- Underage drinking
- Your personal view of alcohol
- Advertisements

2) Energy Drinks

Some ideas are:

- Brands
- Funding of sports
- Health effects
- Their history in your home country, Canada, or the USA.
- Laws about energy drinks.
- Your view.
- Who drinks them?
- Are they a drug?
- Brand and ingredient differences between countries

3) Homosexuality

Some ideas:

- Laws about homosexuality around the world
- Differences in acceptance between your home country and Canada
- Famous homosexuals
- Should homosexual couples be allowed to have kids?
- Is gay marriage real marriage?

Monday, 7 October 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Student Topic Debate

Hi, I'm Chihiro(:

Please read this article!!!!

Zoo Revolution explores ethical debate about zoos

I'm sorry guys I don't prepare question. So I'm going to ask you guys on Wednesday!

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Thursday, October 10th, 2013 Topic Vote

1) Greenpeace and the law


If you choose this topic, please look up what the charge of 'piracy' means. This can be done using Google, or another search engine.

2) Politically Correct Language in National Anthems

Read this one first:

Read this one second:

Should the anthem be changed? Is the Canadian anthem as bad as the anthems in the second article? Are there any things about your national anthem that could be offensive? How important is it that a country has a proper national anthem? Do we need them anymore? Is this an unimportant issue that should not be discussed?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Student Topic Debate

After spinning the wheel and drawing a name completely at random, the lucky student for this week is...


Please choose an article from a news source that can be discussed or debated in the class.

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 Discussion Topic

Thanks, Ryo! I did have a good Teacher's Day.

As for the topic for today, makes a return.

Do doctors have the right to turn away patients? Do patients have the right to see any doctor they choose? If there is a personality conflict between the doctor and a patient, is that a good reason to turn away the patient? Or as a professional, should a doctor treat the patient despite his/her feelings?

An interesting fact: Teachers can't turn away students because of personality conflicts.

Please make sure to read some of the comments below the article.

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Topic on Monday

It's Ryo.

I'd like to talk about "Soccer"  on Monday.

And Matthew!
Happy teacher's day:-) Have a nice weekend!

The topic of Monday

Hi there,

My topic is The danger of  yellow honets in Japan.

Have a good weekend.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013