1) Stereotypes and there effects
- Choose a country or people and tell us about the stereotypes that are held about them in other countries (yes, you can choose Canada).
- Tell us how these stereotypes affect a person's ability to get a job, to get housing, or to get a loan, etc.
- Tell us if these stereotypes are justified (true) at all.
No two students can talk about stereotypes of the same country. Please write your country of choice in the comment section.
2) Health and government
- Should people get free healthcare?
- Why do you think that Obama's plan for universal healthcare is failing?
- What are the good things about free healthcare?
- What are the bad things about free healthcare?
- What do you think of Canada's healthcare?
Sorry, only one student can do this topic. First come, first serve. Comment in the comment section to get this topic.
3) Nature vs. Nurture
- Which influences a child's personality and success more, their instincts, genes, and parental lineage, or how they are raised, what they are taught, and who they interact with?
Sorry, only one student can do this topic. First come, first serve. Comment in the comment section to get this topic.
4) Environmental disasters
- Choose one or two environmental disasters and tell us about them.
- What lasting impact has this had on the way we think or on the environment?
- Did this change the behaviour of companies?
No two students can talk about stereotypes of the same disaster. Please write your disaster of choice in the comment section.